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Marchuwhump Day 2! (A bit late)

And day TWO!


Prompt – I’ll Go Instead

“I’ll go,” Clint said.

Natasha shook her head. “Don’t you dare leap of that cliff,” she replied, her left hand pointed off into the distance. “You have a family. You have to stay alive to take care of them.” In her mind, the words, don’t let him go. He has a family, I don’t.

“If you don’t let me go, then you know what we should do,” Clint warned.

Natasha nodded, knowingly. “On three if you’re ready.”

“I was ready five years ago,” he replied.

“On three?”

“On three.”

Natasha ran towards the cliff. Clint grabbed her wrist before she leaped of and dashed. Natasha reached forward and zapped him.

“Nat! Please, don’t,” Clint said, shaking. The electricity shot through his body. He couldn’t help but getting down on his knees.

“I’m sorry,” Natasha said, a rare tear dripped onto her black suit. Clint recovered in seconds and lunged at Natasha.

“Surely not sorry enough. Tell my family that I love them,” Clint pulled Natasha back and got up. He dashed towards the cliff.

“You tell them yourself,” Natasha retorted as she clung onto him.

She kicked him back and ran off the cliff. Clint ran towards her and hung on as she fell. Natasha shot out a zipline and the two dangled in mid-air.

“Darn you,” Clint muttered under his breath.

“Language,” Natasha whispered.

“Please, don’t, I’ll go,” Clint cried.

“No, stay with your family, I’ll go instead,” Natasha gave one last longing look towards Clint and let go.


Sry if it made ya cwy... ;-;

anywho, you may already know, this is based off Endgame.

-gives out tissues again-

they won't ALL be sad. Don't worry 😉


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