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  • hannaharw0112

Marchuwhump Day 14

I stepped out of the house and a gush of wind nearly ran me over. With the wind in my hair and snacks, pillows, and blankets in my arms, I walked down the steps of the porch and towards my treehouse. “Hurry, hurry, Emma!” Ava, my best friend, whispered loudly. I giggled and rushed up the ladder and passed the snacks, pillows, and blankets to Ava. We snuggled together and snacked on Kit-Kats while staring into space. Stars twinkled in the sky. How I loved the country, the fresh air, and the clear night sky. You wouldn’t get this in the city. No traffic lights, pollution, cars honking, people talking, or anything. “So pretty,” I breathed. Ava nodded. I thought of Abraham and how the Lord told him that the stars in the sky would be his descendants. How powerful. “If the stars were made to worship so will I. If the mountains bow in reverence so will I,” I sang quietly. “And ask you speak, a hundred billion failures disappear, where you lost your life so I could find it here.” “My favorite song,” Ava whispered. “I know.” The stars sparkled in the night sky. “The stars are so pretty, and God created them all,” I said. The beautiful stars, my family and friends, everything I have is provided my God. How amazing is that! To have a God above all people that keeps is promises and loves us just as we are.

The End!


I hope that u enjoyed this!

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