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  • hannaharw0112

Marchuwhump Day 12

Today's prompt is Goodbye


“Goodbye Clarissa, stay wild!” I gave her a hug and moved on to the next person in line. “Goodbye Tom,” I kneeled down to be at his eyelevel and gave him a hug.

“Goodbye Eloise, always be the girl you wanted to be,” I winked. “Bye Jake, don’t miss me too much.” I teased.

“As if I will,” he scoffed, but I knew he would.

“Good bye baby Sofie, please don’t grow up too fast. Stay cute and smiley,” I tickled her stomach and she started to giggle.

“Bye Log,” I said. Log was actually called Logan, but once he was stuck under a log for one hour so we call him Log. Family joke.

Logan stuck out his tongue and rolled his eyes.

“I was ten!” He protested.

I shook my head and smiled. I carried on down the line of relatives and friends when I ended at Chris.

“I’m gonna miss you, and your cheekiness,” I whispered as I gave him a hug.

He smiled charmingly.

“I’m gonna miss your smile,” he replied.

My heart melted like butter.

“Brooklyn! Time to go honey!” My mom yelled from our car.

“Bye everyone! Be sure to write me letters and text me! Bye! I’ll miss you!” I called as I walked to my car. I waved at them until they became tiny figures, waving back at me.

“Good bye everyone,” I whispered and sat back down.


The End!


Hey, you think that Brooklyn likes Chris?

Yes, I mean, quoting ‘my heart melted like butter’. She definitely likes Chris.

I totally agree with you.


-high-fives back-



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