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  • hannaharw0112

Marchuwhump Day 15

Today's prompt is "Magic is Real"!


“Mommy,” Leah began, “is magic real?”

Leah’s brother, Jonathan, just laughed.

“Magic isn’t real, Leah.”

Her mom and dad, Camila and Dan, gave Jonathan a stern look.

“Jon, just because you haven’t seen magic doesn’t mean it’s fake,” Camila said.

“But- but mom!” Jonathan protested. “She’s going to learn someday, might as well be today!”

“Magic could be real, but you just don’t know about it,” Dan replied calmly.


“Are we going to have a silly debate on whether or not magic is real or are we going to eat our dinner in peace?” Camila raised an eyebrow to signal Jonathan to stop.

“No, mom,” her son sighed. He stabbed his pees furiously because they kept rolling around his plate.

Camila shook her head and sighed.

“So is magic real?” Leah asked with a small voice.

Camila gave a glance towards Jonathan then looked at Leah with loving eyes and said, “Yes, magic is real.”

“Can you prove it?’ Jonathan blurted out. “Yes! Magic is real! Yes, my darling.” He mimicked.

“Jonathan! Up to your room, now,” Dan demanded, his finger pointed at the staircase.

“Yes, dad,” he slumped down and walked to his room.

“So magic is real?” Leah said.

“Yes. Magic is real.”

And at the window in front of Leah, Leah saw fairy dust in the air, with a small figure flying around.

“Magic is real!” She whispered so that no one could hear.

The End!


Hope you enjoyed this!

Here are some virtual cookies and brownies!

-gives cookies and brownies-


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