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  • hannaharw0112

Marchuwhump Day 10

Prompt: Pick Your Own Prompt Day

Title: Beautiful Just the Way You Are

“Do you see that bird, over there, Aleksandra?” Grandpa pointed at a robin flying around a tree, scouting for a tree to make his nest.

I followed his gaze and nodded eagerly.

“Yes Grandpa! I do.”

“Now look at me and you,” He continued.

I looked down at myself then at my grandpa. Grey hair, gentle blue eyes, wrinkled face and a plait shirt. I nodded again.

“Do you remember who created us? We learned this in Sunday School,” he hinted.

“God!” I replied enthusiastically.

Grandpa laughed his grandfather laugh and said, “Yes! God did. Can I tell you something?”

I nodded acting all serious.

“I want you to remember, even when you’re a high schooler of middle schooler, that it doesn’t matter on what you look on the outside. It’s what you’re like inside that matters,” He said.

Looking back at that, I followed what my grandpa told me as I walked into Middle School. I wore an oversized white shirt that I tied to a side with some jeans. Shouldering my bag with my right arm, I walked in confidently. Little did I know that it would be one of the best years of my life.

The End!


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